- 44:2 你曾用手赶出外邦人,却栽培了我们列祖;你苦待众民,却叫我们列祖发旺伸展。
- 44:2 You, by Your hand, / Have dispossessed nations, but You have planted our fathers; / You afflicted peoples, but You spread our fathers forth.
- 44:2 你曾用手赶出外邦人、却栽培了我们列祖,你苦待列邦、却叫我们列祖发达。
- 44:2 Thou, by thy hand, didst dispossess the nations, but them thou didst plant; thou didst afflict the peoples, but them didst thou cause to spread out.
- 44:2 [ How ] thou didst drive out the heathen with thy hand , and plantedst them ; [ how ] thou didst afflict the people , and cast them out .